Website Design

Need A Professional Website For Your Business? Invest In Your Business. Order Your Professional Website Today.

IPPTS Shropshire Directory: Crafting Online Assets for Your Business

Introduction to Our Services

We create online assets for your organisation, not just attractive websites. At IPPTS Shropshire Directory, we help small and local businesses establish a strong online presence quickly by providing high-quality, custom-made WordPress websites that are mobile (and user) compatible.

Watch our video to find out about our AI-Powered Web Design Service: Creating Targeted, Results-Driven Websites for Local Businesses:

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Our Web Design Packages

  • Overview of Popular Packages: We offer the four most popular web design packages requested by small business owners.
  • Custom-Built Premium Websites: All of our websites are custom-built using high-quality Premium WordPress designs, on-page SEO optimisation, and the most recent WordPress plugins to help improve your overall website statistics and performance.

Why Invest in a Quality Website

The most important thing you can do as a business owner is to invest in a website that has a clean user interface, gives all of the information your audience needs to take action for your services and turns visitors into leads. Your website will be a 24/7 asset for your company, producing leads and sales on the Internet as you grow and scale it.

Above all, it will be an asset that you control. Social media can be amazing for businesses and we do that too!) BUT to rely on social media alone is a risky strategy. Businesses do get banned, but with a quality website, the decisions are yours to make!

The 5-Step Website Design Approach

1. ConsultationUnderstanding your needs and business objectives.
2. DesignCreating a unique, custom website design that aligns with your branding.
3. DevelopmentBuilding the website using WordPress and premium plugins.
4. ReviewClient feedback and revisions to ensure satisfaction.
5. LaunchFinalizing and launching the website on the web.

Leveraging AI for Efficient and Effective Web Design

At IPPTS Shropshire Directory, we’re revolutionizing web design for local businesses by fully integrating cutting-edge AI tools into our services.

Our approach harnesses the power of AI to analyze vast amounts of data specific to your business niche, providing in-depth insights and tailored strategies for your website. This advanced technology not only saves us time in the design process but also translates into significant cost savings for you.

AI’s ability to rapidly process and analyze data enables us to create highly optimized and targeted websites that resonate with your audience and drive results.

By leveraging AI, we ensure your website is not only visually appealing but also strategically aligned with the latest market trends and customer behaviours.

Embrace the future of web design with us, where AI meets creativity to deliver local business websites that truly stand out and deliver tangible results.

Continuous Support and Feedback

Our Simple 5-Step Website Design approach offers a seamless experience for all parties while keeping the design and production processes continuous, allowing us to meet deadlines and get your website up and running on the web. Throughout the design process, our web design team will provide you with changes and feedback on your site, ensuring that your money is well spent and that you are entirely satisfied with the overall look of your website, which will be tailored to match your branding.

*Our packages DO NOT include a domain name for your business or a hosting plan. Please purchase those separately before selecting your Website Design Package. Please make sure your hosting plan is WordPress Compatible. If you need assistance with purchasing your domain and hosting plan, we can help with the set-up free of charge. Keep in mind, all packages include Social Media integration, free stock images from our HD photo library (additional charge if we do not have your desired images), free additional revisions before final website completion, and a FREE business header design for Premium Websites.*

What’s Included In The Website Design

  • Complete Custom Website Design – We create high-quality designs from the ground up, and no two websites are alike. Every page, widget, and call-to-action form is tailored to your business and branding.
  • Content Creation & Management – After you’ve completed our Website Questionnaire and we have gathered all of the information required for your site’s content, we will supply extra written content for your site. Some of your pages may require written material that we will write, but of course, all aspects of content and presentation will be edited based on your feedback during the design process.
  • HD Stock Images: We offer high-quality stock images for your website, products, and branding.
  • On-Page SEO Optimisation – We will strategically incorporate your keywords into your content, as well as optimise your Page Titles, Meta Descriptions, URL Structures, and Body Tags, to help your website rank higher in Google search results.
  • All websites are mobile-optimized for your business: Over 70% of visitors now search on their phones, so your website will look clean and sharp while also being highly functional and mobile-optimised.

We Use WordPress For Our CMS (Content Management System)

We use WordPress. With over 75 million installations, WordPress easily dominates the open-source CMS market. It is the platform for the best flexibility in its design and functions and that domination means that the longevity of WordPress sites, in an era of a constantly changing web, is unbeatable.

We are able to offer affordable, high-quality websites to small businesses at very affordable prices because the interface is both versatile and easy to use, and because thousands of plugins and templates power it.

This minimises our development costs and deployment time.

Also, if you’re planning to invest in search engine optimisation (SEO) for your website, WordPress is the ideal content management system (CMS) for search engines like Google. Plus, there’s no need for HTML editing or FTP software, and the WordPress interface makes website management a breeze.

British design sticker image.100% Made In The UK

We build each one of our websites right here in the UK.

To keep prices down and quality up, we do not send any of our web design assignments to foreign countries.

We are very proud of and committed to our Shropshire-based web designers. During regular business hours, each client can speak with our development staff regarding their website right away.

We take pride in our local design team and want you to know that your projects are in good hands.

For a Free Consultation use our Contact Form here to request a consultation.

Business Website Design

Select From 4 Of Our Packages


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Single page website option.

Single Page Lead Generating Website

Maximize Your Business Potential with Our Cost-Effective Lead Generating Websites

Are you a new start-up looking to make a big impact without breaking the bank? Look no further! Our expertly crafted one-page lead-generating websites are the ideal solution for businesses like yours.

Designed to operate around the clock, these websites are your tireless digital ambassadors, working 24/7 to attract and engage potential clients. We focus on delivering just the right amount of information to spark interest and encourage action. With a clear, compelling layout and strategically placed calls-to-action, your site is optimized to convert visitors into leads.

Experience the power of a professional online presence that not only represents your brand but actively contributes to your growth by generating more business opportunities. Get started today and let your website be the catalyst for your success!

1 Page Website

  • 100% Custom Design
  • Concepts within 5 business days
  • Easy administration login
  • Basic Page Descriptions & Text
  • HD Stock Images and amazing AI images
  • Custom call to action form
  • Small Image Gallery (Optional)
  • Mobile and Tablet Friendly


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Multi page website option

Super Starter Business Package

A great website package (and our most popular) that is a perfect starting point for small businesses and professionals who want a great-looking and functioning website. Highly responsive and customized, get online quickly with this fantastic package!

5-10 Pages

  • 100% Custom Design
  • Concepts within 7 business days
  • Easy administration login
  • HD Stock Images and amazing AI images
  • Custom call to action form
  • Medium Image Gallery (Optional)
  • Basic Page Descriptions
  • Basic Text Descriptions
  • Basic On-Page SEO
  • Mobile and Tablet Friendly
  • Customizable Blog Page


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Advanced website option

Super Advanced Business Package

A much more advanced website package that offers 20+ optimized pages for your business needs. Perfect for already established businesses or those who are looking to grow and scale with a much more highly customized WordPress website.

20-40 Pages

  • 100% Custom Design
  • Concepts within 10 business days
  • Easy administration login
  • HD Stock Images and amazing AI images Included
  • Custom call to action form
  • Large Image Gallery (Optional)
  • Advanced Page Descriptions
  • Advanced Text Descriptions
  • Advanced On-Page SEO
  • Mobile and Tablet Friendly
  • Customizable Blog Page
  • Advanced Contact Forms


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Super Advanced Business Package option

FINAL FORM E-Commerce Website

The Final Form E-commerce Website is perfect for anyone looking to take their E-Commerce business to the level of competitive sales. This package is dedicated to anyone looking for an E-Commerce website while offering any type of retail services that require multiple pages. Perfect for a company or business that requires premium online sales functionality and PayPal/Stripe etc integration.

100-200 Pages

  • 100% Custom Design
  • Concepts within 14 business days
  • Easy administration login
  • Custom call to action form(s)
  • Premium Page Descriptions
  • Premium Page Text
  • HD Stock Images and amazing AI images Included
  • Full Image Gallery (Optional)
  • Yoast SEO On Page Optimization
  • Full E-Commerce Set Up
  • Mobile and tablet-friendly
  • Customizable Blog Page

For a Free Consultation use our Contact Form here to request a consultation.

Additional Web Services


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Real Estate Single Property Website

Are you a Real Estate Agent? Are you tired of your property listings getting lost and buried in the hundreds of listings on websites such as Zillow and other Real Estate Directories? By creating and investing into a single page property website, you will enjoy the huge benefits of listing your homes on a single domain and capturing the attention of your buyer with our beautiful landing page. If you would like to see a live demo of our real estate property websites, just send us a message! Special homes deserve their own corner of the Internet for your potential buyers, invest in a single property website today!

Let’s say you already have a website for your business. Great! Is it mobile-friendly? Do your customers have an easy time navigating your website on their phones and tablets? I hope they are, because 60% of searches on the internet today are people using their mobile devices. If you don’t have a mobile-friendly website, that will cost you business…and precious potential clients and customers. We create mobile versions of your current website so you and your customers can have a seamless experience on your website. To find out if your website is “Mobile Friendly”, type in Google “Mobile Friendly Test”.


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Flex Hours (6 Hours)

We offer a monthly package of “Flex Hours” which includes on-demand web development and website maintenance for your WordPress website. Flex hours are a one time purchase basis with no contracts, with the hours carrying over that you don’t use…. so order our services anytime!

£50 to £250/month

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Hosting + Site Support + Maintenance

We offer a monthly Hosting + Site Support + Maintenance package which includes on-demand web development (for minor changes), Hosting Support, and website maintenance for your WordPress website. Need a page edited for your website? Or how about an update to your website with new information and prices? Need us to upload new images, graphics, or your new blog? Want us to update your WordPress website with the latest WordPress version and plugins to optimize your website? Website running slow or does something look off? We’ve got you covered.

Need A Custom Website? Need A Website Redesign?

>>Contact Us For A Free Quote<<

Our Business Website Design Process

We Like To Make Things Easy & Simple


For a Free Consultation use our Contact Form here to request a consultation.

Supporting Small and Medium-Sized Businesses in Shropshire

Affordable Advertising for Local Businesses. Either go for free, for a valuable “citation” or pay for a manually curated business listing.